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Melanie & James | A Cloverdale Wedding

September 28, 2019

Melanie, James, and I met over coffee just over a year ago! I still can’t believe it’s been that long…If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that my husband is active duty military and we moved this business cross-country. It was only by chance that Melanie & James saw my name pop up in one of the local Facebook groups. They ended up being the first couple to put their faith in me in our new location since the move.

So much happens on a wedding day that a daughter hopes to share with her father. And while he wasn’t able to be here in body, he was absolutely there in her brothers and in her Godfather, Bulldog. He represented Melanie’s father by walking her down the aisle and giving her away with her mom.

When I asked Melanie & James what they were most looking forward to the most about their wedding, it wasn’t the usual response that I get from most couples. It really was about seeing their two families join together as one. You see, James has a son named Jack and now Melanie, officially, does too…he even made a speech about it, with a little help from his uncle!

As of Saturday around 2:30pm, Melanie & James have begun one of the greatest adventures of their lives! I’m so excited for all that their future holds. The love that these two share is so genuine, joyful, and full of laughter! It was such an honor to be there capturing your wedding day. Even with the wind during portraits, and some minor hiccups, your day was still perfect! Enjoy some of my favorites from your day!!

Melanie & James had these beautiful geodes made into ring boxes! Aren’t they gorgeous?!

This necklace was her grandmother’s, and it was so sweet that Melanie was able to have just a small piece of her there with her.

Okay y’all, get ready for some “like father, like son” moments. They’re on the verge of cuteness overload!

Such a gorgeous backdrop to their ceremony!

The new Mr. & Mrs!!

this goofy bunch!!!

I don’t even know what’s happening here, but it literally made me snicker when I saw it, so you’re welcome!

2nd time of the day being introduced as the new Mr. & Mrs. Gless!!

As we head straight into the most adorable and heartfelt toast ever!!!

So, while we were waiting, Liz (the Matron of Honor) managed to con the DJ (her husband, and Melanie’s brother) into playing Baby Shark!! Probably one of my favorite moments of the evening, aside from the glorious light during Melanie & James’ first dance! (insert all the heart-eyed emojis here)

Ha! I was trying to go in to subtly capture his wedding band, and instead we got this, which is just perfect for them!!!

Then came the Mother/Son dance with some pretty awesome dance moves!!

Melanie’s brothers each decided to take their sister for a spin on the dance floor in honor of their father. So sweet.

These were the last portraits of the day!

“thanks for celebrating with us!” is the perfect way to end this post! Melanie & James, I hope you enjoy the rest of your honeymoon!!!



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