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Melanie & James | A Spring Lake Engagement

April 14, 2019

Melanie & James sat down with me in a Starbucks just over 6 months ago! Their engagement session has been long anticipated and I am so excited to get to share some of their images from Sunday’s session with you!

I’ve known that their session was going to be so much fun since the day we met, but when you get that message saying they want to add in a Nerf Gun fight at the end of their session, you know it’s going to be a BLAST! Not to mention, we pulled out some coffee mugs for a quick break, which just made my coffee-loving heart so happy! Not to mention, the sun came out!! You guys know how unseasonably wet it’s been this year, so when we saw the forecast for Sunday, we were both so excited! Melanie lives for the sunny days, who could blame her?!

The session takes place at Spring Lake in Santa Rosa. This place is freaking amazing! You guys know from my instastories, that I visited for the first time with my kids, and it was sooo pretty! I could have kept them at the lake and explored every nook and cranny for HOURS!!! Unfortunately, we ran out of sunlight after 2 and will just have to wait until their wedding in September to continue the explorations! Oak Knoll isn’t ready for us yet! 😉

Okay, enough of my nonsense and on with the images!

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